Click here for the PDF version.I wrote this letter in response to several questions posed to me by a sincere Orthodox Jewish friend, Michael. He maintains that I, as a Jew, need to live under the Law of Moses, regardless of the fact that I acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. His proof texts are Acts chapters 15 and 21. Although I do not have permission to web-post Michael’s letter to me, I restate his thesis in this letter so as to provide you with the context.
Dear Michael:
Four times I read and then further studied the copy of your July 28, 1989 letter to Cardinal Lustiger (a Jewish believer in Jesus) which you sent to me. You told me before and now you have written to me that the Cardinal never responded to your letter “which itself [is] a sort of reply.” Therefore I want to be sure to reply to you lest you think that all Messianic Jews do not reply to letters. I waited these several weeks since I did not want to be found shooting from the hip. Your arguments are thoughtful, therefore they deserve a thoughtful response. I wanted to consider them with due prayer and study. For the most part, and specifically concerning the portions in the Book of Acts which you use as proof texts, I was unable to get any significant insight from several respected scholarly texts. Thus, as I am exhorted in the scriptures, the Holy Spirit will himself teach me (I Jn 2:27), and upon him I am relying regarding my own recent studies of those passages. I have found Bethel Ministries to also be a helpful resource and I have used some of their thoughts here when I reference other passages. Additionally, my daughter, who I hope you can meet some day, made several suggestions that I also included.