Due to the coronavirus, Professor Tour will add his weekly Bible studies to a live Zoom for as long as he is unable to meet in person with those who are interested.
Please login if you like on Sundays at 10 AM Houston time (note time change to 10 AM): https://riceuniversity.zoom.us/j/94537001300?pwd=TjBQNm5sd1oxZGQyNU5WWVVadWNBQT09.
Or you could always get the audio copies at https://www.jmtour.com/personal-topics/audio-files/series-book-of-genesis/
Dr. Tour will initiate a private Zoom call with anyone who is not a believer in Jesus but would like to hear his story about how he became a man with faith in Jesus, the Son of God. If interested, send Dr. Tour an email to make the request.